How Can You Plan for Retirement in a World with Higher Inflation?
With practical writings like a workbook, mortgage expert and contrarian property investor Darren Goh reveals step-by-step how a middle-income salaried worker living anywhere* could invest in Singapore properties and potentially become mortgage-free in just 6 years, through a revolutionary 7-step F.R.E.E.D.O.M. system that’s almost guaranteed to deliver a retirement net worth of up to S$4 million*.
Uncover and profit from the following secrets:
- Why it’s wrong to pay off a mortgage early?
- Why good debt is the missing piece in wealth creation which most people can’t see?
- How one of the best investment vehicles in the world exists right here in Singapore, yet it is dismissed by its own citizens as too risky, technical and boring (for the retirees)?
- (For Foreigners) How you too can profit from this gem of investment in dynamic Asia?
- (For Singaporeans) What’s the real reason for upgrading from HDB (public housing) to private properties and why the best age to do that is at 33?
At the heart lies a contrarian approach to property investment which any global real estate investor ought to sit up and take notice of. Defying up to seven conventional thinking in personal finance, it will blow your mind!
* Subject to ownership of a Singapore private property, meeting of certain loan & seed capital requirements, interest rate not going into anomalies like the Great Inflation of 1965-1982 and other typical investment risks